
Was unsere Studenten über uns sagen / was internationale Experten über uns sagen :-)

Frank Kowalski

Geschäftsführer Berlin EM 2018 GmbH

„Liebe Frau Yoshimura, ich war heute im Wintergarten. Mein Kompliment! Überragende Performance von  Gesang und Tanz! Beste Grüße, Frank Kowalski"
(Anmerkung: Dieses schöne Feed-Back aus dem Publikum betrifft Sunrisestudios Absolventin Yuri Yoshimura, die in der Saison 2017 höchst erfolgreich im "Wintergarten" in Berlin in der Show "Sayonara Tokyo" zu sehen war und nicht nur begeisterte Rückmeldungen aus dem Publikum, sondern auch fulminante Presseberichte erhielt)


Mittlerweile Absolventin des Konservatoriums Sunrise_Studios

„...ich finde es toll, dass Ihr uns immer wieder Zugangs zu solchen Events verschafft!"
(Anmerkung: dieses Feed-Back an unser Konservatorium betraf die Premiere des Musicals "Dirty Dancing", für die unsere Studierenden und Absolvent*Innen Freikarten erhalten hatten)

Mira Dineva, PhD

Head of SGEM International Events Department SGEM World Science GmbH, Austria

"I am contacting you regarding the beautiful live art performances of your talented dancers at the SGEM Vienna ART International Conference in March, 2017, Hofburg, Vienna.

On behalf of the whole SGEM Programme Committee, let me first express our great thankfulness for the successful partnership with SUNRISE STUDIOS and amazing performance that your dancers have made during the live art session last March.

The great professionalism that you have shown, the irresistible charm of the performed dances and captivating talent of the young artists conquered the whole audience!

This year the official part of the opening ceremony will be accompanied with a Live Art concert (including classical music and dance performances) and we shall be pleased the professional dancers from SUNRISE STUDIOS to join again the concert programme with a classical art performance and to present the magic of ballet to all SGEM guests, partners, committee members and participants. Such performance could perfectly combine with other artists presentations and complete the festive atmosphere of the opening ceremony.

Hoping that you will accept our kind invitation to continue this successful partnership, I look forward to hearing from you soon."

Clio Montrey

Sängerin, Komponistin, Performerin, Musikerin, Musik-Expertin aus Kanada

"I spent a very happy semester here at Konservatorium Sunrise Studios  between universities in 2012. Since I hurt my hip a while back I haven't seriously balleted for years, but Sunrisestudios is graciously having me back so that I get back into physical shape for auditions... their level is actually really high, it's going to kick my a**. Come dance with me! Or hell, audition here if that's your dream. I'll be back in level 1 at 8:30am, days per week tbd."

© 2017 / Impressum: Konservatorium Sunrise_Studios, 1070 Wien, Neubaugasse 38, eMail:                        Tel.: +43699/81455713 / Schulkennzahl: 907510, Studienkennzahl: NN37 / Für den Inhalt dieser Website verantwortlich: Konservatorium Sunrise_Studios; Mike Loewenrosen, Alexandra Zehetner; Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschliesslich deren Betreiber verantwortlich.
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